BismillAllah ir rahman ir raheem.

Moulana Ali(SA)said If you overpower your enemy, then pardon him by way of thankfulness to Allah, for being able to subdue him.


BismillAllah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem.

About Allahtala's Supremacy

1>He is one Allah whom we should all recognize and worship.

2>He has explained himself,nobody is partner to him in his domain,
might and glory.
3>He is eternal,has always been and shall always be.

4>He existed even before the universe came into being but there
is no beginning to his existence .

5>He shall remain when every other thing shall vanish and there shall be no end to his existence.

6>His glory and his existence is so supreme ,pre-eminent,transcendent,incomparable and excellent that is beyond the grasp of intellects.

7>No one can understand or visualize him.


When you have accepted these facts then your behaviour so far as his
commands are concerned, should be that of person who realizes that his
status ,power and position is nothing when compared to that of his
lord,Who wants to gain his blessings through prayers and obedience,
who fears his wrath as well as his punishments and who
absolutely in need of his help and protection.

Remember my son, Allah has not ordered you to do anything but that which is good and which propagates goodness and he has not prohibited you from anything but that which is bad and will bring about bad effects.


Holy Quran and Medical Science

Quran has revealed absolute facts about medical science in its true perspective some 1400 years ago. This can be a fruit of thought for us.

Surrah Ghafir - The Forgiver - No.40 - Verse: 67-68

(The living proof of His Nizam-e-Rabubiat is your own self.) He initiated your creation out of inorganic matter. (Then He took you through various phases of evolution and brought you to the stage where life is created out of a sperm. In the uterus He converted the sperm into a leach form, the embryo, and then brought you into this world in the shape of a human child. Then you grow up and reach the age of maturity, following which you gradually become old. Some of you die in childhood while others reach the age when one is capable of using his wisdom and reason.) - verse 67

Life is bestowed according to Allah’s Laws. Death also occurs according to His Law. Such is the position of His all-encompassing powers that when He decides to do anything, its initial stage comes into existence instantly. (Then, according to His Law of Rabubiyyat, it reaches its destined goal having passed through various stags of evolution.) - verse 68

Surrah Luqman - Luqmanr - No.31 - Verse: 34

It is Allah Almighty alone Who knows when the last hour will come (although the process of compiling results continues all the time). Consider the rain for instance. Although it pours down at a particular time, its process had actually started quite sometime before. Also, take the example of the birth of a child. While the birth takes place at a particular time, the child has earlier gone through various stages in the mother's womb; and all these stages are in Allah's knowledge. - verse 34


Surrah Al-Mu'minûn - THE BELIEVERS - No.23 - Verse: 14

Thereafter, out of the drop of semen, We created a suspended zygote (like a leech). From the zygote We created an embryonic lump. Next We fashioned the bones; which We then clothed with flesh. Verse: 14

(Up to this point all stages are accomplished like normal animal life. But) Thereafter We infuse a speck of Divine Energy into it (32:7-9) and cause it to emerge as an entirely new creation (71:14). This new creation, which is totally different from other animals, is the human being. Just think of the great possibilities which Allah's Law of creation has. (Although man also creates various things, there is a world of difference between his creations and those of Allah.)


Surrah Az-Zumar - THE TROOPS-THRONGS - No.39 - Verse: 6

He initiated your creation from a single living cell (6:79) and then caused it to split into two parts, one becoming the male and the other female. He also created eight types of cattle (namely camel, cow, sheep and goats, all in pairs ~ 6:144-145). When you are still in the mothers womb, He fashions you, inculcating creative changes in different stages. These changes constitute one act of creation after another; and all this takes place (not in one but) under three veils3 of darkness.

Surrah Al-Kahf - THE CAVE - No.18 - Verse: 37-38

When his friend came to know about such ideas of his, he said: “Do you deny that law of Mukaf’at of that Allah Almighty who initiated your creation by clay, then by a life-germ and finally gave you full form of man? Do you, notwithstanding all this, still think that what you have is the result of your merit and efforts and has nothing to do with Allah’s laws? You may deny these facts but I have firm belief that whatever I got is through Allah’ law of Rabubiyyat to whom I do not set up any peers. Verse: 37-38


Surrah Ar-Ra'd - THE THUNDER - No.13 - Verse: 8

It has been stated that there is a period of respite between actions and their results. This is evident from the following examples: There is an intervening period between the conception and birth of a child. Allah Almighty knows what is in the womb and what is increased or decreased therein, and which foetus will reach completion and which will not. Verse: 8


Surrah An-Nahl - THE BEE - No.16 - Verse: 78

To appreciate how Allah’s plans reach their fulfilment gradually, look upon your own life. At the time of your birth you know nothing. Allah Almighty provides you with the capacity to hear, to see and to judge. It is through these faculties that your efforts bring forth fruit. Verse: 7 8


Surrah Yâ­Sîn - YA-SEEN - No.36 - Verse: 77-79

(Man’s condition is such that he can forget his own reality, become rebellious and follow his emotions. He does not reflect over the fact that We had created him out of a mere drop of sperm (over which he had no control). And then he openly opposes Us. Verse: 7 7

Tell them that the Almighty Who created them for the first time will bring them back to life. He is fully aware and has full knowledge regarding all His creations (as regards the manner and stages through which His creations have to pass). Verse: 7 9

Surrah Al-Qiyâmah - RESURRECTION - No.75 - Verse: 3-4

Does man think that after his death he would not be brought back to life again? (36:78; 37:16) (And that he would be saved from facing the consequences of his bad deeds?) Does he think that the foundation on which the whole structure of life is raised will wither away with death and that it cannot be assembled again? There he is wrong! Verse: 3

For Us to do so is not difficult at all. We have the power to reconstruct the faculties which establish his life and which give him control over the use of other things. Verse:4

Surrah Nûh - NUH - No 71- Verse:17 - 18

(You clash because you consider yourselves as being different from each other. Individual interests have kept you divided from one another (2:36). (Otherwise) Allah ,The Almighty has created you from the earth, just like vegetation. (A stem emerges from the ground and as it grows, it develops many branches all around. However, their mutual relationship is so deeply interdependent that the nourishment the roots obtain from the earth is not retained for their own self, but is distributed to each and every branch and to the farthest leaf. Conversely the energy which the leaves draw from the sun-rays and the moisture obtained from the air are likewise distributed to each tissue of the plant. In this way the whole tree stays fresh and lush green. Humanity has also been created like a flourishing tree. The secret of its freshness and greenery is a disciplined mutual relationship. This is the system towards which I invite you.) Verse:17


Incident of Moula Ali(s.a)'s greatness shown by Rasulallah(s.a.s).

Huzurala Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin Maula(t.u.s) some years before ,when app moula had returned from yamen tour back to mumbai.
On the day of "moulatena fatima(a.s) shadath day , agha moula had done waaz mubarak in masjid in mumabai and this are points which our moulana (t.u.s) had explained to us ,(momeen) in the waaz mubarak on the topic of details of "Fazael of moula Ali(s.a)"......Rasulallah(s.a.s) one day was going on tour outside madina while walking with moula Ali(s.a) and ashab e rasul .app Rasulallah(s.a.s) saw one deadbody(janazaa)this deadbody was being carried by 4 persons and they were taking the body towards forest.Rasulallah(s.a.s) noticed that, many groups of clouds were following that dead body so by noticing this Mohammad(s.a.s) had ordered to ashab e rasul ,(who were with him and moulana(Ali(s.a) on the tour) .Rasulallah(s.a.s) had asked this ashab e rasul to go to that 4 persons who were carrying that dead body to know from them,whose dead body was it that, they were carrying ??
when ashab e rasul asked that 4 mens than that 4 persons had replied back that,the deadbody was of a slave of banuriya(african city).this dead man in his life times took the money on LOAN and he could not rturn back the money so he was prisoned by our( saukar )owner.the dead man(servant )in his life times was punished in jail on imprisonment for not returning back the taken,they said that ,we (4 persons)were taking that deadbody to be buried .
after listenning this....Mohammad(s.a.s) said to moula Ali(s.a) that ..."Ali you should go and see to the face of that baneriya person's dead body and tell me that do you remember him???Moulana Ali(s.a) saw the deadbody's face of that slave and said to Rasulallah(s.a.s) that,"(MoulaAli) he remembered this man 's face as when ever this man use to meet moula Ali(s.a) ,the man use to sincerly request moula Ali(s.a) to "save" him and give him (the servant) the "protection".so by this past act moula Ali(s.a) could remember this dead man's face .the servant use to say to moula Ali (s.a) that ,"Iam your servant(gulaam) and I do love and respect you (Moula Ali(s.a))most ."Rasulallah(s.a.s) than after listening to this app said to moula Ali(s.a) and other present ashab e rasul that,"by the feelings ofmoulaAli(s.a)'s love "mohabbat"inside the servant by this reason Khudatala had send 70,000 angels from heaven to follow the deadbody of that servant of baneriya.than Mohammad(s.a.s) had done namaz along with the companionship of moula Ali(s.a) and ashab e rasul on the dead body of the slave of baneriya.Mohammad(s.a.s) and moula Ali(s.a) went down into the grave of baneriya slave and buried him.Moulana(t.u.s)says in waaz mubarak ...""ay momeneen Mohammad(s.a.s) had shown the highest level of Moula Ali(s.a)".Moulana(t.u.s) also said that ,"by love of moula Ali(s.a) there is sure heaven for momeenen".mohammad(s.a.s)'s saying (ershad) were that...",SHEYATOH ALIYUN HUMUL FAYAZUN."this is our prayer after listening the facts about momeen's belief,may Khuda give longlife and health to our kind agha maula(t.u.s)and may allahtala give our agha maula (t.u.s) the sharaf of seeing the "zahoor"of emem uz zaman moula (Tayib)s.a



Fazael-e-AmerulMomeneen Moulana Ali(SA)
RasulAllah(SAS) ne rehlaat na baad beja qhalifa (LA),na zamaan ma ek yahudi ahna nazdeek ayu anay kahyu kay su tu rasulallah(sas)
noo qhalifa chay?waqt no emam chay ? sanee kahay chay kay haan ! toh woh yahudi kahay chay kay tu manay batawo kay woh
su chez chay ,ek chay kah ahno bey nathe ?,bey chay teen nathe ?,teen chay ahnoo chohtoo nathe?,char chay pachwo nathe?,
pach chay ahno chetoo nathe?,chey chay anho saath nathe?,saath chay aatwo nathe?,aath chay nawoo nathe?,nao chay ahno dus nathe?,
dus nathe ahno gyarwa nathe?

Beja qhalifa ah yahudi na sawaloo sune nay ekdaam ghabrayi gayu ,sharam na sabab mathoo necho kare ledu ,woh yahudi sawal-
karnar samjhe gayu kay ah rasulallah(sas) noo sacho khalifa nathe.

Wahan jay logo hazar hata ,tey sagla kahay chay kay rasulallah(sas) na sacha wasi toh woh samnaay jay saheb beyta chay tay chay
AmerulMomeneen(SA) RasulAllah(SAS) ne Masjid ma ek janib ma tashreef raqhta hata ,woh yahudi anay beja tamam logo ,
AmerulMomeneen Moulana Ali(SA) na nazdeek aya ,woh yahudi AmerulMomeneen Moulana Ali(SA) na arz karey chay kay maay ketnak
sawaloo laye nay waqt na qhalifa sani na pasay gayu magar ahna pasay aahno jawaboo nathe anay qhalifa sharam see mathoo
nechee kare ledu ,Ayh Ali! apna pasaay ahno jawaboo chay ?kaimkay sagla logoo yey kahyu kay sawaloo na jawaab toh Moulana Ali(SA)
(aap heech )apee sakaay.Moulana Ali(SA) puchay chay,aah sawaloo su chay ?

Woh yahudi arz kare chay kay ,kausi chez ek chay bey nathe ?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-{"Allahsubhanahu }"ek chay Allah no koye sanee nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,woh kaunsi chez kay ahno tesro nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-suraj anay chand,yey beway anho tesro nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,woh kaunsi chez chay teen chay ,char nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-bewro ne talaaq teen chay ,char nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,woh su chez chay kay jay char chay paach nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-koye bhe mard char(four) beyro kare sakay chay ,paach nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,woh kausi chez chay paach chay ,chey nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-faraz ne namaz paach chay ,chey nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,woh kaunsi chez chay chey chay sathwo nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-Khudatala yey asmaan anay zameen nay chey(six)din ma paida kedee ,saat din ma nathe,jaim
Khudatala Quran-e-majeed ma farmwe chay ,"Qalaqas samawataay wal arz fee sabtaay ayaamen ".

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,woh kaunsi chez chay saath chay atwoo nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-Asman saath chay (seven)chay aath (eight)nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,aath(eight) chay navoo nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-Hamalatul Arsh ,Arsh ma Allah nay atoo(eight) naar uthaway chay ,nao(nine) nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,noo(nine) chay dus nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-beyro na hamal nao(nine) mahenoo no chay ,dus nathe.

Woh yahudi puchay chay kay ,dus chay gyara nathe?
Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay :-musa(as) yey tur pahad par tees (30) ratoo maa dus(10) raat wadhawe nay ahnay puri kedee
tey ratoo dus hatee gayra nathe.

AmerulMomeneen Moulana Ali(SA) see ah jawaboo sunee nay woh yahudi ghanu hayeraatnak thayu anay eqraar kedu kay,
Aapech RasulAllah(SAS) na sacha Qhalifa chay ,Wasi choh anay haqh na Emam choh .Woh yahudi yey Islam see adawaat karwo
muke dedu ,etnooch nathe balke islam layu anay acha musalmano ma shumar thawa lagu.

Salaawat Amerul Momeneen Moulana Ali(SA) ,Apna Aal anay apna Dai par ,Ameen !!!


Amerul Mumeneen Moulana Ali(SA) yey Kufa ne Masjid maa ShairulAllah el Mouzaam nee phele tareq apna qutba ma Khuda na afzal asharaaf anay baleeq hamd anay sana anay nabi mohammad un mustafa(sas) na upar salwaat na baad logoo naay qetaab kedu ....

Ayh logoo ! Allahsubhanahu yey shaer-e-ramzan naay tamam mahena karta sharaaf baqshu chay ,jaim hamnay ahilaibaith naay tamam logo naa upar sharaf ata kedu chay ,ah mahena nee fazilath batataa huwa moulana ali(sa) eyhm farmayu ,

* aah mahina ma asman naa anay rehmaat naa abwaab(doors) khule jayey chay .

* jahanaam na abwaab(doors)band thaye jayey chay.

* aah mahina ma neda sunayey chay ,dua mustajaab thaye chay .buka (rowa) na upar rehmaat thaye chay .

* aah mahina ma lailatur qadar maa malayekaat asman see utraay chay anay sayemeen ,sayemaat (roza karwa wala mard anay auraat na upar allahtala ne raza see salam bolaay chaay ,fajar tulu tahawaa laag.)

* yey raat maa mare walayaath naay muqadaar karwa ma awee ,adam(as) nee paidayesh naa 2000 waras qabaal .

* yey raat na din noo roza ek hazar mahina na roza karta afzal chay .yey misal ahma amal karwanoo fazal chay .

* ay logoo ! shaire-e-ramzan maa suraj ,rozedaar naa upaar tulu thaye chaay anay chandrama yey sagla naa upar rehmaat see tulu thaye chay.


Amerul Mumeneen Moulana Ali Ibnay Moulana AbiTalib(SA) ne ShanMubaraak.

Ek diwas afzalul anbeyaa mohammad un mustafa rasul-e-khuda ne hazrath e nabawi ma jibarel e amin tashreef farma hata ,ah mouqhu paar amerul mumeneen moulana ali(sa) ,rasulallah(sas) ne hazrath ma kaye kaam see hazar thaya ,moulana ali(sa)nay tashreef lata dekha jibrael e amin ehytayraam see khada thaye gaya ,aah dekhe naay rasul e khuda ,jibrael see sawal kedu tamay sukam aah naujawan ali noo eytayraam matay ubha rahya ? ayh jibrael tamay tooh ghanu buzurj choh ,jibrael rasulallah naay arz kede ,aah naujwan noo mara paar ghanu ehsaan chay ,khudatala manay paida kedaa pache manay sawal kedu kaay ,maay kaun chun? tamay kaun cho? anay tamaro naam su chay ? aah sawaloo khudatala see sunee maay ghabrayu ,manay kaye jawab dewaa sujho nathe ,aah waqat aah naujwan allahtala na huzur ma hazar hata ,aah ali manay farmayu ,tamay arz karoo kaay ,ayh allahtala ,tu raab e jaleel chay ,anay maay taro haqher banda ,maro naam jibrael chay ,aah jawab manay moulana ali(sa) yey sekhayu ,jibrael nee aah waat sune naay rasulallah(sas)yey sawal kede ,tamare umr ketnee chay ? jibrael rasulallah(sas) nay arz kede kaay allahtala asman paar har 30,000(thousand) saal maa ek waar ek tara (brightest star) namodaar dekhyey chay ,aah taroo may yey 30 times dekhe chuka chun,aah mare umr chay .

Aah waat jibrael see sune rasulallah(sas) apna biradar moulana ali(sa) see farmayu ,ayh bhai ! ali ,apna saar see pagdee hatawoo anay apne paishanee dehawoo ,amerul momeneen moulana ali(sa) yey rasulallah(sas)na farman see apne paishanee dekhaya ,ali na pasihanee maa aah taroo(star) chamkee rahyu hatoo .allahtala na nazdeek moulana ali(sa) na aah humraat anay ezaat chay.

aah bayan moulana ali(sa)na dai ,syedna mohammad burhanuddin(tus) 8 moharram 1430 h apna waaz mubaraak ma farmayu.


Amerul Mumeneen Moulana Ali Ibnay Moulana AbiTalib(SA) Elam (Education) na bara maa eyhm farmawe chay ,kay :-

Elam ne shan yey chay kaay ,

" Haar wasan ahma tamay koye chez mukoo toh yey wasan taang thaye jayey ,magar elam noo wasan kewo chay ,kay yey wasan eych wasaay (broad) thatu jaye ,toh pache yey sawal ech nathe kaay ,ketno elam samayee ,jay shaqs ma jitnee capacity howee ,jitne estaytaat howe ,etno elam ,pota na wasan maa samawe sakaay ,qasataan samawee elam (Allahtala noo elam) asmaan see aya howee ahne qudraat chay kaay samawee fuyuz naay pota naa nafs maa samawee sakay ,ahnaay tooh samawoch joyey ,yey misal see samawey toh pache elam niklaay ,elam na behwaar kaay ,jay na see tamam ,nufus zinda thaye jayey ."


Amerul Mumeneen(SA) farmawe chay ,kaay woh elam jay adam layey naay ayaa ,jay na see tamam anbeya naay fazilath(superiority) hasel thaye ,yey elam mohammad anay apne etaraat ma chay .


Amerul Mumeneen(SA) farmawe chay ,Hikmaat anay Nasehaat noo kalemaat .....

" Kalaam(conversation) tamara qhabza ma chay ,jahan laak tamay bola nathe ,pache jay waqat tamay yey kalaam bolo choh toh tamay ahna qabza maa awee jawoo choh ,tey see tamay tamare zuban(talks) naay sambhaloo,jay misal tamay sona (gold) anay chandi (silver) naay sambhaloo choh ,pache baaz kalemaat naimaat naay chenee layey chaay ,anay musebaat naay khenchaay chaay ."


"Jay chez tamay nathe janta tey naa boloo ,balke wooh tamam chez bhe naa baloo kaay jay tamay jano choh ,kaim ke Allahtala yey tamara azaa (organs) na upar ketnaak faraeeyz wajib keda chay ,ehna see allahtala tamara upar qayamaat na din hujaat (argument)karsaay .



From some few years back waaz mubarak of agha moula(t.u.s) ..these short notes are taken ......
Moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) at the time of app's depature
from this metarilaistic world for heaven.moulana mohammad(s.a.s) called gathering of moula ali(s.a),moulatena fatima(s.a),moulana hassan(a.s)and moulana hussain(a.s) and said all of them about hisown(moulana mohammad(s.a.s)'s) departure period ahead soon.but after listening this moulatena fatima(a.s) was so depressed that app started crying after listening to news of time of departure period of beloved father.
than by seeing this moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) called moulatena fatima(a.s) near him and said her in her ears that she will soon come and meet him within 70 listening this moulatena fatima(a.s) was very much happy and seeing to moulatena fatima(a.s)'s smile moula ali(s.a) and moulana hassan and moulana hussain(a.s) asked moulatena fatima(a.s) the reason for her smile.
so,moulatena fatima said that,she was smiling because moulana mohammad(s.a.s) said that she will meet him in less than 70 nights so she was happy and smiling.
this shows us the deep love between moulatena fatima(a.s) and moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s).the next incident..........
once moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) was explaining all the panjaitanpakh (a.s) their respective status in the holy eyes of Khuda. each one were explained about their status ,like moula ali(s.a),moulana hassan(a.s) and moulana hussain(a.s) .so after listening to others status than moulatena fatima(a.s) asked moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) that, "what was her status ??"so moulana mohammad an rasulallah (s.a.s) said her that ,she was the "khatoon e janaat"status person.moulatena fatima(a.s) is the head of all the women in heaven ,those who had come from earth for place in heaven.the palce of all women in heaven is under moulatena fatima(a.s).
may Allahtala give our agha moula(t.u.s) the chance to build the zarimubarak of moulatena fatima(a.s) by gold and the vasela of barkaat of wafaat day of moulatena fatima(a.s) and nazraat mubarak of emamuzzaman(a.s) moula.
may Allah give our moula long life and health unlimited...


"Praise of Allah, Advice about fear of Allah and an account of this world and its people." as said by Amerul Momeenen Moulana Ali(SA).

Praise be to Allah Whose praise is wide-spread, Whose army is over-powering and Whose dignity is grand. I praise Him for His successive favours and His great gifts. His forbearance is high so that He forgives and is just in whatever He decides. He knows what is going on and what has already passed. He crafted all creation by His knowledge and produced it by His intelligence without limitation, without learning, without following the example of any intelligent producer, without committing any mistake and without the availability of any group (for help); I stand witness that Muhammad - the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him and his descendants - is His slave and His messenger whom He deputed (at a time) when people were collecting in the abyss and moving in bewilderment. The reins of destruction were dragging them, and the locks of malice lay fixed on their hearts.

I advise you, O' creature of Allah, that you should have fear of Allah because it is a right of Allah over you and it creates your right over Allah, and that you should seek Allah's help in it, and its help in (meeting) Allah. Certainly, for today fear of Allah is a protection and a shield, and for tomorrow (the Day of Judgement) it is the road to Paradise. Its way is clear and he who treads it is the gainer. Whoever holds it, guards it. It has presented itself to the people who have already passed and to those coming from behind, because they will need it tomorrow (on the Day of Judgement) when Allah will revive His creation again, take back what He has given and take account of what He has bestowed. How few will be those who accept it and practise it as it ought to be practised. They will be very few in number, and they are the people who correspond to the description given by Allah, the Glorified, when He says:

... And very few of My creatures are grateful! (Qur'an. 34:13)

Therefore, hasten with your ears towards it and intensify your efforts for it. Make it a substitute for all your past (short-comings) to take their place as a successor, and make it your supporter against every opponent. Turn your sleep into wakefulness by its help, and pass your days with it. Make it the equipment of your hearts, wash your sins with it, treat your ailments with it and hasten towards your death with it. Take a lesson from him who neglects it, so that others who follow it should not take a lesson from you (i.e., from your neglecting it). Beware, therefore; you should take care of it and should take care of yourselves through it.

Keep away from this world and proceed towards the next world infatuatedly. Do not regard humble he whom fear Allah has given a high position, and do not accord a high position to him whom this world has given a high position. Do not keep your eyes on the shining clouds of the world, do not listen to him who speaks of it, do not respond to him who calls towards it, do not seek light from its glare, and do not die in its precious things, because its brightness is deceitful, its words are false, its wealth is liable to be looted, and its precious thing are to be taken away.

Beware, this world attracts and then turns away. It is stubborn, refusing to go ahead. It speaks lies and misappropriates. It disowns and is ungrateful. It is malicious and abandons (its lovers). It attracts but causes trouble. Its condition is changing, its step shaking, its honour disgrace, its seriousness jest, and its height lowliness. It is a place of plunder and pillage, and ruin and destruction. Its people are ready with their feet to drive, to overtake and to depart. Its routes are bewildering, its exits are baffling, and its schemes end in disappointment. Consequently, strongholds betray them, houses throw them out and cunning fails them.

Some of them are like hocked camel, some like butchered meat, some like severed limbs, some like spilt blood, some are biting their hands (in pain) some are rubbing their palms (in remorse), some are holding their cheeks on their hands (in anxiety), some are cursing their own views and some are retreating from their determination. But the time for action has gone away and the hour of calamity has approached, while (there was no longer) the time to escape (Qur'an, 38:3). Alas! Alas! what has been lost is lost! what has gone is gone! The world has passed in its usual manner.

So wept not on them the heavens and the earth nor were they respited. (Qur'an, 44:29)

Another my felt lines are these 5 lines:-

(1)According to all accounts that have come down to us, the marriage of Moulana Ali (SA)and Moulatena Ma Fatima(SA) was an ideal marriage. It was a union of two great souls. Fatima(SA) is superior to womankind in the world; she is the lady whose face shines as the full moon; she is the bride whose groom excels all in Scholarship.

(2) The fate's hand had joined these two blessed persons in such a special way that did not happened anytime in world.

(3)Fatima (S.A) knew that although Moulana Ali (A.S.) does not possess any thing from the wealth of the world but he has the great treasure of self sacrifice and devotedness of which he had given proof to fulfill the aspirations of her father,Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.). She was aware that all the youth period of her husband was spent defending Islam and in Jehad. He always thought and worked for the service to Islam and it's welfare.

(4)Fatima (S.A) never thought that since she was the daughter of a Prophet (P.B.U.H.) and leader therefore, she must have maidservants at her home. Nay, instead she performed domestic works with her own hands like making roti, looking after the children and Aap mainly did prayed lot to Allah.

(5)Fatima (S.A.) was such a tree, which must only breed and grow in the shade of revelation and bring the fruits of freedom and justice in its deep shadow. This is the very root and origin of the tree of purity.

Reason for today email is holysharing for sawaab,truelove duas.that's all.


Iam doing holy work for sawaab and your duas ,the special 110 members , please dont think my this day's email sending or sharing pf my dates
as too personals ,it is for duas only ,no need to take time for reply,kulus in del gives love from far too.

Today is 135 day of year ,My waras shab allahmdolilallah,i believe this adadmubaraks comes for me as barkaat So The 135 is Name Mubaraak Adad of Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA).As Allahtala gave me naimaat by giving me my waras shab on 135 adad times . As it is moulatena ma fatima(sa)'s name mubarak fatima's adad -135...i see waras this ways (i count from 1st moharaam to 17 jamadilawal day as 135 day of hijri year ) i love to have adads barkaats in my life,it a good barkaat to me when i get this holy adad-mubaraks in my life imp works always -allhamdolilallah.

Some of my calculations details as follows about what iam going to say ?

Adad Mubaraak of Allah 66 .

Mohammad Adad 92 - Milad Mubraak Month Rabulawal and Wafat Safar ...............92nd day of year does not comes in both months.

Ali Adad 110 -Milad Mubaraak Rajjab and Shadath ShairulAllah ...........110thd day of year does not comes in both months.

Fatima Adad 135 - Shadath Jamdilula................{***135th day of year comes in shadath month**********}

Hassan Adad 118 Shadath Safar ....................................118th day of year does not comes in shadath month.

and Adad of Hussain 128 Shadath Moharram..................................128th day of year does not comes in shadath month.

So Jamadilula brings Adad Mubaraak 135 And Wafat Date of Panjaitan-e-Pakh(SA)'s Holy Member Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA) Same Times (Means Inside The Same Month Time). This is as per my knowledge from our history .I feel this 135 as mercy upon me so this is surely allahamdoilallah by dua mubaraak barkaat ..... this is why i got soul reply for what is said for me as "Ghano mubarak sitara ne taseer na child by my dada (qidmatguzar and asmani sitara study knower) so this lucky sitara is surely 135 ,as i feel adad mubaraak as lucky point of luck for me,Allahmdolilallah how can i do shukar ??? i feel that i can say this holy points for moulatena ma fatima(sa)'s shanmubaraak ,this is shukar for apna adad mubaraak's ahsan mubaraak so i do shukar by this ways by writing some of Many Special Points of Moulatena Maa Fatima Tus Zehra (AS)'s Shan Mubaraak and also i mentioned holy words of Apna Shohar, AmerulMomeneen Moulana Ali Ibnay AbiTalib(SA) as Aap Moula(SA) also provided immense barkaat naimaat by selecting me to do apna Noorani Kalemaat Qidmaat in 4 ways Mainly more than beja topics Qidmaats ,Moula Ali(SA)'s Noorani Kalemaat is Mostly in My Qidmaats is this ??? than it is by my site ,110members group, malumaat etc and badremuneer recognies me by holy sayings of moulana ali(sa) in search engine search query since year ,moula(tus) did duamubaraaks for this postions,allahmdolaillah.

The respected well wisher ,sk.hussain uncle who judged me through sincerity said this for me (deeni,qidmatgirl,good,civilzed and believing )this is a best gift of love for me of life ,allahmdolaillah,so i return his favour by posting his soul touching poem here:-

English One


(a sheltered state of being)

Once there lived as Larva, a mother and son at the bottom of the pool

Mother showered the son with love every second, life was so cool

Mother used to tell her son that she loved him so much

That even after the death separates them, she will stay in touch

She promised to instruct and guide him from the other side

Her love for her child was so pure and so bonafide

As Larva ages and develops a cocoon that slowly rises to the top

Fluttering above the water, from the cocoon out comes a moth

Same thing happened to this mother larva, one day she became a moth

She started shouting instructions to her son, we call the fluttering of the moth

Son larva still deep in the water can't hear his mother

Due to change in the medium, they can't hear each other

My mother had also promised to watch over me after her death

I am sure she is shouting instructions and guidance, though my ears are deaf

What sacrifices she makes for her child only a mother knows

That's why Rasulullah (SA) has said, under the mother's feet heaven grows

Father's love for his children is different and not as emotional

As long as they are fed, clothed and comfortable, he can flutter elsewhere eternal

Everyone alive on earth today has a loving mother somewhere

Either deep in the pond with them or fluttering just above in the air

We all must love and respect our parents with all our heart

Mothers should get all that plus our souls, that is a good start

Maola Burhanuddin (TUS) is our collective mother who worries for us and prays

"Nahno Awoliaokum fid duniya wal akhera", from the bottom of his heart he says

Even our dear mothers love their mother Maola Burhanuddin

May he live healthy ta qiyamt, that is our doa, Ameen summa ameen

Abd-e-Syedna, TUS - Shk. Husain Jamali, Anjuman-e-Burhanee, Los Angeles, CA

For all my poems and Madehs please go to <>

Emails Reply
1>Dear Nafisa ben

A lot of mubarakbadi to you on your salgirah eve. Many many happy returns of the day. May Allah taala give you much much more and give you strength to continue khidmat of mumineen and dai iz zaman.

Salam and regards
Taher Mukhi


135 Mutabareek Adad of Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA)Name Mubaraak.


As Allahtala gave me naimaat by giving me my waras shab on 135 adad times . As it is moulatena ma fatima(sa)'s name mubarak adad -135...i see waras this ways (i count from 1st moharaam to 17 jamadilawal day as 135 day of hijri year ) i love to have adads barkaats in my life,it a good barkaat to me when i get this holy adads in my life imp works always -allhamdolilallah.

So here 135 is coming inside wafat Month of Panjaitan-e-Pakh(SA)'s holy member Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA) ..this happens rare like a adad and wafat/milad of "same holy person" at same month .... i say this 135 as mercy upon me so this is surely by allahamdoilallah by dua mubaraak barkaat .....Iam sharing this as shukarguzari by ways of writing this below holy article matter here as shukar to get 135 moulatena ma fatima(sa)'s adad mubaraak barkaat ,so dua for me to do qidmat of fatimi dai always till iam alive ,ameen ....Mainly May Allahtala grant long and healthy life till doomsday to our beloved moula(tus)inshaallah ,Ameen.

Waras date 18 Jamadil awal...17 tareeq means 135 day of hijri year ,18 we shab is waras -nareyal(coconut) wadahwanu celebrations .

Holy Article as follows

The Allahtala gifted Moulatena Maa Fatima Zahra(SA) with a brilliant mentality and cleverness, together with beauty, grace and elegance.Maa Fatima(SA)'s religious feelings and literary knowledge were unlimited. You will come to know that she was the most knowledgeable and most honorable woman in the world. In fact, history has not witnessed any other woman who achieved such a high level of education(Allahtala ,His Rasul Mohammad un Mustafa (SAS) and Vasi-e Rasul,Moulana Ali(SA)'s knowledge) and social graces that Fatima reached.So Moulatena Maa Fatima (SA) was daughter of Moulana Mohammad un RasulAllah (SAS) and Moulatena Khadija binte Qulaid(SA) . Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA) was also named by these of following names :- Az-Zahra (The Splendid One/ Lady of Light) Al-Batoul (The Chaste and Pure One) Syedatun Nisa al-Alamin (Leader of the women of the worlds) THE PROPHET MOHAMMAD (SAS)'S LOVE FOR MOULATENA MAA FATIMA(SA) It is difficult to define the extent of the Prophet's love for Fatima (AS) for she occupied a special place in his heart like no other person did. The Prophet's love for Fatima was mixed with respect in addition to being motivated by the father/daughter relationship, this love was granted to her for the holy place that Fatima(SA) enjoyed. There was so much respect in the heart of the Holy Prophet(SAS) for Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA) that whenever Fatima (SA) arrived in the house of the Holy Prophet(SAS), Moulana Mohammad un RasulAllah(SAS) stood up to respect her. Moulana Ali(SA) and Moulatena Maa Fatima were the most suitable couple to be married. ************************************************************************************************************************** Actually, Moulana Ali(SA) had never mentioned his desire to marry Moulatena Fatima(SA) for reason,because of his shyness to do so in front of the Prophet(SAS) .Umme Salma Says,Moulana Ali (AS) finally approached the Prophet (SAS) and asked for Fatima's hand in marriage. The Messenger, who has absolute guardianship over all Muslim men and women, including his daughter, would not announce his agreement to the marriage without Fatima's consent. By this action, Prophet (SAS) made it clear that it is inevitable to obtain the daughter's permission for marriage, because she is the one who is to live with the man and share his life. Indeed, giving a girl in marriage to someone without her prior approval or permission is a clear violation of her honor.The Prophet (SAS) in reply to Moula Ali(SA) said: "Ah, many men have asked before you and she has rejected them-her resentment to marry them was clear on her face. Yet, wait until I bring you the answer." The Prophet (S) left Moula Ali(SA) waiting for the answer. The Prophet informed his daughter that Ali wished to marry her. Fatima did not need to ask about Ali's occupation, manners, age and other traits; because she knew all about his talents, excellent traits and long standing service to Islam. It is for this reason that the Prophet only said to her: "Fatima, you know Ali Ibn Abu Talib's relationship to us, his devotion and faithfulness to Islam. I asked Allah to give you in marriage to the best of His creatures, and the most beloved to Him; and he (Ali) has declared his wish to marry you; what do you say?" Fatima did not reply, nor did she show a sign of rejection or resentment, so RasulAllah (SAS) stood up and said: "Allah is the Greatest! Her silence is her approval." The Prophet (SAS) went back to the waiting Moula Ali(SA) and informed him of Fatima's approval of the marriage. He also inquired about the extent of his preparedness to fulfill the requirements needed for the wedding, because legally and traditionally there has to be a dowry(meher) .Do you possess anything (which you can pay for the dowry(meher)) to marry Fatima?' Moula Ali(SA) answered: "May my parents be your sacrifice By Allah, there is not a thing of my affairs hidden from you; I own my sword, shield and the camel which i use for irrigation" Indeed, this was everything that Ali possessed in this world when he was about to get married!! RasulAllah(SAS) openheartedly listened to Moula Ali(SA) and said: "Ali you cannot do without your sword, for you have to struggle with it and defend yourself against the enemies of Allah. As for your camel you need it to irrigate palm trees and support your family, and you need it as a means of travel. But I accept the shield(baqtar) as a dowry from you; thus, sell it and bring me the money." Therefore, Fatima's wedding have been celebrated in heavens and attended by the nearest angels to Allah, ! Indeed, this is what happened in tribute to Fatima, her Father, her husband, and her future children who are the authorities of Allah on His upto doomsday there would be Emamat in this dynasty of Amerul Momeneen Moulana Ali(SA) and Moulatena Ma Fatima(SA). CHILDREN OF MOULATENA MAA FATIMA(SA) Gabrial said: "Name him Hassan." for first child, Prophet(SAS) gave him the name Al-Hassan, and made Adhan in his right ear, and Eqamah in his left ear. After that Hussain was born, Gabriel again descended to the Prophet(SAS) and revealed to him to give the new baby the name Hussain. Gabriel descended to inform the Prophet about Allah's blessings and said: "The name of this baby is Zainab; Allah chose this name for her." Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA)'s household welcomed their second daughter named Umme Kulsum and fourth child with happiness and glorification, as with the other children. Mohsin Shaheed. Allahtala granted following miracles to Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA)



1>There would be Emamat in dynasty of Amerul Momeneen Moulana Ali(SA) and Moulatena Ma Fatima(SA) upto the doomsday. 2>LailaturQadar is dedicated to Moulatena Maa Fatima(SA) ,this night is greater than 1000 months. 3>Katoon-e-Janaat Title is for Moulatena MA Fatima(SA) for Leadership of whole women in Heaven. 4>Rasul-e-Allah(SAS) gifted Tasbee-e-Fatima to his Beloved Daughter ,Fatima (SA). 5>Fatima(SA) 's Tears are kept saved in her Grave for times when khudanaqusta if any momeen is suffering than she will help that momeen by use of this barkaat tears and make him enter Heaven (Jannat). 6>RasulAllah(SAS)'s says ,Those who cry in the sorrow of Fatima tu Zehra(SA) 's Son ,Emam Moulana Hussain(SA) are sure to get heaven. 7>In today's daue-e-satar period Duwat-e-Mutlaqeen are being referred as Fatimi Duwat. ******************

Dua :- "Praise be to Allah, since creation of the first (creatures); He who is ever-lasting (even) after the cessation of all beings; We are grateful to Him for His Mercy on us like ,Our 52 ma Fatimi Dai-e-Mutalq,Our Beloved AqaMoula(TUS) So May Allahtala Grant Moulana(TUS) Long Life with Pink of Health till Dooms Day,Ameen . Amat-e-Syedna(TUS) Nafeesa Mu.HassanRasheed. 6 JamadilUla 1428H. Hyderabad India.

Wishes in duas:-AllhamdolilAllah.....

AllhamdolilAllah Duas for me:- Bahen Nafeesa, Baas Afzalus Salaam...Thank you for sharing such a great history of Moulatena Maa Fatema. I was equally impressed with your website as it contains so much wealth of information. May Allah ta Ala grant you nemat in every aspect of your life for such a nek khidmat. Doa ma yaad Was-salaam Abde Sydena TUS M Mohsin Bharmal Secretary Anjuman-e-Husami (Atlanta) GA, USA


the lines are from the waaz mubarak of moulana (t.u.s)....
Incident of helping a person in need is greater than every thing of that period.
once when moulana hussainA(s.) was doing the tawafs of kabatulallah ,aap was disturbed by the request of one needy person in needs of moulana hussainA(.s)'s help at that moment only...the person needed the help of moulana hussain (a.s) very deeply so by listening to his request of help need moulana hussain(a.s) left the tawafs in between and went for the help of that person .when app reached the kabatullah back for tawaafs than some people asked moulana hussain(a.s) that,why did app left off tawafs inbetween to help an ordinary man.moulana hussain(aa.s) replied back that, to help a needy in need is the topmost sawab's work .so we should leave any work in between for helping the needy...*** note :not from moulana (t.u.s) this down lines are....our family personal experience by the lines of my dada ,mu.shabbar hussain rasheed,He was the mouleem on kidmaat on mouzaslikebilsapur,nagpur,siyuni etc..lines are "admi hoh toh kese kay kam aoh varna kaoh piyo aur marjaoh"if you are human do help a person in need if you dont help than you are as a animal who eats,drinks and die."the other incident about moulana hussain (a.s)'s position in the eyes of Allahtala:once when a man came near moulana mohammad an mustafa rasulallah(s.a.s) for request of dua mubarak for a child to that man's wife as the man was childless.when moulana mohammad (s.a) was taking hands up for duamaubarak for that childless man ,at that time jibrael(a.s) came to moulana mohammad(s.a) and said that,there is no child in that man's listening this moulana mohammad(s.a) kept quiet and said that person that there is no child in your luck.when that man was returning home by distress than that man met moulana hussain(a.s) in route of moulana mohammad(a.s) 's house .moulana hussain(a.s) was a child .
app asked this man what was the reason for his distress?the man replied the above incident in moulana mohammad(s.a)'s house for him by Allahtala's command.
than moulana hussain(a.s) bought that man with him to moulana mohammad(as.) home and siad in childhood manners of simplicity that "I (moulana hussain(a.s)) is giving this man a child in his luck"after listening this moulana mohammad an mustafa(a.s) siad moulana hussain(A.s) not to say against Allatala's wish of no child to that man.but moulana hussain(a.s) went on saying 1 to 7 chidren to that man.
at last when jibraela(A.s) came to moulana mohammad(a.s) and said that,by the position and love for moulana hussain(a.s) in the holy eyes of Allahtala ,allahtala had now offered the luck of 7 child to that childless that man was happy by barkaat of position of moulana hussain(a.s)the other incident...about the greatness of moulana hussain(a.s) when a farishta was thrown from heaven to earth than that farista was suffering due to his bad doings .that farista saw jibrael(a.s) in the way to some place in the mood of happiness.jibrael(a.s) was happy becuse app was taking the happy congratulating news of moulan hussain(a.s)'s birth in the house of moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a).this farista requested jibreal(a.s) to arequest for shifa to his feathers that were damaged by allatala's anger on this listening this jibrael(a.s) took that farista along app to the house of moulana mohammad an maustafa(a.s) .when they reached house ofmoulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a) jibrael(a.s) congratulated moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a) for the happy birth of moulana hussainA(.s) to moulatena fatima(a.s).than jibrael(aa.s) requested about that gfarista's pains .after listening this moulana mohammad an rasulallah(a.s0 said that farista to rub his bad feathers to the holy body of new born moulana hussian(a.s) and than that farista did so and got the sifa by moula hussainA(.s)'s body barakkat.the farista went off flying there after...the Incident of the greatness believed by moula hussain(A.s)'s of app (himself):when in very small age of moulana hussain(a.s) , moulana mohammad (s.a) asked moulana hussainA(.s) that,"who were great among them?moulana hussain replied back that app(moulana hussain(a.s) is greater than moulana mohammad(a.s) because"My nanajisaheb(Aap)moualan mohammad mustafa(a.s) is "afzalun anbeya"my dada ,moulana abutalib(s.a) is "mustakhir emem"
my walid moula ali(s.a0 is "afzalul auseyaaa"my maasahba ,moulatena faima(a.s) is"khatoon e janaat"and my brothr moulan hsaan(a.s) and me are "janaat naojawaan sardar"...after lsitening to this details by little age moulana hussain(a.s) moulana mohammad an mustafa rasulallah(s.a) kissed moulana hussain(a.s) on forehead.
may Allatala grant our moula(t.u.s) khuwat e hydari more .amin...moula(t.u.s) who shows us the details of sharetah in waaz mubarak....


When one arabi man wnet to meet moulana mohamman an rasullah(s.a.s) for requesting moulana mohammad(a.s.a) to solve his problem of marriage.
the problem to man was that ,he was alone with no parents so he was not getting a life partner to marry as noone were ready to give a girl to him in marriage.
so ,this man requested moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) that ,app must make his marraige than moulana mohammad na rasulllah (s.a.s) listened to his request and send that man to one arab ,who has a daughter to be married.
the man went to that arab's home as a ambassdor of moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) for his marriage proposal of himself with that arab's daughter.
man went reached home of arab when the girl was alone,but when the arab came he was angry on the man and scoled him and even took out the sword to kill man .but as man took moulana mohammad an rasullah (s.a.s)'s name he was saved by saying that moulana mohammad (s.a.s) send him for marriage proposal.this time near moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) cma ejibrael (aa.s) by saying that the man who is going to marry will die listening this moulan mohammad an rasulallah(a.s.a) felt very sad in heart.marraige happened so the next morning when moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) said to ashab e rasul to came along him for mayat namaz of yesterday married man .here in the life of the man who was married the incident of barkaat by food sharing happened.the incident was that,one old sahil man(beggar)came to married man's house for food asking in much night times .the beggar was crying for food for his family as all were hungry for food.beggar said that ,he was old so he cannot take the food burden to his family .the food was offered by the man to begger by the help of carrying that food to the place where that old beggar wants the food to be taken for the family of beggar.this man went a long way in the marriage night with the beggar to serve food so it took whole night for this work.the married man returned back in morning from this work of food carrying help.
when he returned back to home near his bride in morning than next miment moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) came to his house with ashabs .app asked that man what happend in the night with him,what all works he did ??
the man answered that one beggar came for food so he offred beggar the food by carrying food to long distance with beggar for helping beggar to take "food " for his family.this took whole night time and the man said he returned back home now in listening this moulana mohammad an rasulallah(s.a.s) said to ashabs that,by offering food help and food serving to people makes the horrible fear of life that is "death" to go away from conquering the life that happened to this married man.
all knows that moulana mohamamd an rasulallah(s.a.s) knows all things before but app explained the depth of food importance to ashab by this practicle incident showing of that man's life.the other incident of "food"moula ali(s.a) use to work for 11 months hard work and app use to give the "food"iftaar time to all muslims of that place by a invitation.moulan hassan(a.s) and moulan hussain(a.s) use to treat every one with the best food in that times.this was continuing with the duwats (a.s) doing food arrangements in functions for momeenens in many times by best quality food.
our moulana(t.u.s) also does a food arrangements in many occasions for crores of momeneens like us to have food by baraakt of neyaz e hussain baraakt.
so "food" arrangement is the thing that is bst in life that is the best kidmaat too...

Title:-" The Holy Quran Recitation in all times but mainly lot in the holy Ramzaan as It's a Month of The Allah."

As we know Quran-e-samit is the" holy quran-e-pakh" ,the holy book and Quran-e-nateeq is our Moula," Amerul momeneen moulana
ali(sa)."As there are inumerous barkaats that we get by recitation of holy Quran-e-pakh as same ways what we get by walayaath-e- that's why our moula (tus) is also making us read the holiest book along with following shareyaath with walayaath.
So Here lets read some of many greatness of the holy Quran's Recitation :-
As all knows that ,"The Holy Quran (also written as Koran)" is the eternal and literal word of "Allahtala". Prophet Muhammad(SAS) received these divine revelations (The Holy Quran) over a period of 23 years .As you begin to read the Holy Quran, you come to a new world of eternity. Than The benefits that you receive by holy quran-e-pakh aresuch ways,1>Here you will find a world of untold treasures of knowledge and wisdom to guide you on the pathways of life, to mould your thoughts
and actions.2>In it you will find deep insights to enrich you and steer you along the right course.3>From it you will receive a radiant light to illumine the deeper reaches of your soul.So therefore , "we can rightly say that it is the Quran which can lead you on and on to success and glory in this world and in the world tocome along with the AuleyaAllah( SA)'s Walayaath , who all are holy souls sended by Allah for guiding us always . "Simple defination for Quran is that , " The Quran is Allah's one of the greatest blessing for you in ways of holy book."As It is the oneof best weapon your frail existence as you struggle against the forces of evil and temptation in this world,It is the one of the means to overpower your fear and anxiety. Also It is the one of holy 'light' (nur) , as you grope in the darkness, with which to find your way to success
and salvation... Finally It is the one of best healing (shifa) for your inner sickness, as well as the social ills that may surround you.Calling the Qur'an amazing is not something done only by Muslims, who have an appreciation for the holy- book always and who are pleased with it; but it has been labeled amazing by non-Muslims due to it's(Quran) best ever holiest powerful words ,the words as such which
are sended by The" Allah",himself. May Khudatala grant long and healthy life till doomsday to our beloved moula(tus) who guides us to read quran always,
also may Allah bless us more taufeeq to do holy quran's recitation by vasela mubaraak of moulana ali(sa) and so we can also do more qidmaat of dai-e-zaman always by following appna holy path always ,amin.
Amat-e-Syedna( TUS)
Nafeesa Mu.Hassan Rasheed


Hayaat-e-Tayaba of AqaMoula(TUS) In Form of Essay for Occassion of 95 Milad Mubaraak of AqaMoula(TUS)...AllahmdolaiAllah Duamubaraak fazal thaya chay on milad-e-emam-uz-zaman moula(sa).
By nafeesa, 09:45
From: "Hawaij" <>
To: "nafeesa rasheed" <>
Subject: Re: request for duamubaraak

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "nafeesa rasheed" <>
Reply-To: "nafeesa rasheed" <>
Date: 22 Apr 2006 04:01:43 -0000

Bismillallah alrahman alraheem.
Sajadaat Obudeyaat Arz,
Hazrath ai aliya,Moulana(TUS) ma qadambosi sathe arz ke ,i have written article in shan mubaraak of moulana(tus),i am sending this article to be printed in husami times magzine inshallah for milad mubaraak edition ,so request for dua mubaraak,PLEASE NOTE :-AS I DONT HAVE THE LISNUT DAWAT SOFWARE IN MY COMPUTER SO IAM WRITING THIS IN ROMAN ENGLISH.
nafeesa rasheed
Syedna Moulana Abul Qayed Johar Mohammad Burhanuddin Saheb(TUS)
Syedna Moulana Abul Qayed Johar Mohammad Burhanuddin Saheb(TUS) ne 95 ve milad ne khusi ma aah azem-us-shan dai ne zikar karwane koshesh karoo chun,Emam-uz-zaman Tayib(SA) na duwat mutlakheen sagla ayemaath na hujaj anay abwaab chay ,duwat anay har dai see emam-uz-zaman na noor zaher thaye chay ,phalo dai syedna zoeb qayam thaya ,aap na baad ek baad ek dai-el-mutlaaq emam-uz-zaman ne naas see qayam thaya.51 wa dai shams-ut-duwat syedna tahersaifuddin taak thaya ,aapna zaman na 52 dai syedna mohammad burhanuddin
ye bushraa sunawee "Ale-mohammad(SA) na nazdeek ye tayun thaye kay moula burhanuddin ne aa zaman na momemeen nay zaroorat chay ,aah saheb haqh na deen ne hemayath karey anay haqh na elam nee hekmaath
anay haqheqhat na asrar nay aap na seena ma jamaa karey anay emam-uz-zaman(sa) see faiz-e-azalee na anwaar ne talaqhee karey anay yey asrar noo noor momeneen nay apay.Aah zaman ma islam na munkareen anay dawat na dushmano melee nay deen metawanee koshesh karey,aah waqt
52 wa dai fesabeelelallah jihad wastaay niklaay .Haar elam ne tayqheeq wazay karey ,Quran ne anay shareyath-e-mohammadi na haar farz ne qudsaneeyath ,deen na haar amal ne haqaneeyath zahair karey,aa shan na moula dai duwat ma 52 wa saheb chay yeh sagla na fazael qasataan shamus duwat syedna tahersaifuddin na fazael nay jamaa karee emam-uz-zaman ne hujjat anay hikmaat zahair karey chay.
(Always Our Moulana(TUS) is doing this :-Khuda na deen nay aap zinda karey ,lakho janoo nay zindagee baqshay,islam nay yaree apaay ,eman anay momeneen nay ezzat apaay anay emam-uz-zaman tayib paar aap na elam see ,amal see ,surat anay seeraat see fida thaye chay .aah moula na tasavur ehm chay :- islam na dayeem ,walayaath ,taharaat ,salaat,zakaat ,
soum,haaj anay jihad nay aap momeneen ma qayam kedaa chay . Moulatena Fatima-Zehra(SA) ne Qabar-e-mubaraak par ataar chedkee ,sajdo deede anay momeneen par dai-e-mutlaaq ne haqaneyaath zaher karey chay,Lako momeneen naa aap bawa mushfeeq chay ,hazaro ne zindagee aap yeh baqshe anay hazaro nufuz nay ala-e-mohammad na elam naa kausar aap pilawe chay .Duniya ma deen qayam karee nay duniya ne zindagee nay deen ne zindagee kayee tarah karey sakaay,
aap yeh seqhawee chay.Haar amar nay aapne hidayath ne roushani melee ,aah shan na moula 52 ma dai,moulana mohammad burhanuddin moula(tus) noorani surat ma hazer anay moujud chay.Shams-e-ut-duwat syedna tahersaifuddin no janasheen farzand anay alhayul moqadaas moula ne hasnaath chay,Emam-uz-Zaman ne neyabaat nay Khuda ne haul anay kuwaat see uthaway chay .Duwat-e-Fatimi na jitnaa uloom chay ye uloom na luub anay kulasaa aapne zaat-e-mubaraak chay.Aa Moula Syedo Shohodaa ,Al Emam-ul-Hussain(SA) ne aza ne majalis ek niralee shan see aqhd karey chay,Ahnoo ehtaymam ghano azeem karey chay ...Khudatala Mohammad anay Ala-e-Mohammad ne Hurmaat see anay Duwat-e-Fatimeen na Vasela Mubaraak see AqaMoula(TUS) nay Taa Rouz-e-Qayamaat laak baqhe raqhay,Amin.So by seeing this shanmubaraak of Moulana(TUS), Our Aqeeda for Our Beloved Aqa Moulana(TUS) is expressed in ways of Poem here:-
POEM:-Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin TUS
Moula you are as LIGHT
To those who are RIGHT (RIGHT WAY)
You speak of REALITY
In the way that is HUMANITY
Your prayer is as SHOWERS
For us the Paradise FLOWERS
Your life and face is full of LIFE
That is source of power for our EYES
Nafeesa Mu.Hassan Rasheed Hyderabad.

mohall:redhills,mohammadi masjid
amil:bhai saheb juzer bhai saheb zainuddin saheb


BismillAllah Alrahman Alraheem.

Doa Kumail a Brief History.

Du'a "Kumail", is from Moulana Ali Ibnay Moulana Abi Talib (a.s.) and which is recited on every Thursday evening in many of the Islamic countries. The importance of the content of this du'a is such that when Moulana Ali Ibnay Moulana Abi Talib (a.s.)presented to one of his followers who was called Kumail bin Ziyad, he told him to recite it at least once in his lifetime if he was unable to recite it more than that.
The message of Du'a Kumail is so deep and intense that one can hardly recite it remaining dry-eyed. It speaks of the glory and majesty of Allah, the Most High, of His mercy and kindness, of His retribution and punishment, and of man's need for Him and thankfulness for His Being.
We have long realized a need to re-edit this wonderful prayer. We have attempted to present Du'a Kumail in a way that can be easily recited in English and its meaning can become clear. A transliteration is also included so that one may be able to recite this du'a in Arabic. It is a universal prayer. We are pleased to present it and hope that all, Muslims and non-Muslims, will partake of its heartfelt message.
With Allah comes success.
Kumail bin Ziyad Nakha'i was a faith full companion of Moulana Ali Ibnay Moulana Abi Talib (a.s.), the Commander of the believers (a.s.) Kumail was well-known for his devotion and uncompromising allegiance to his Imam. His transmitted many of the important sayings and teachings of Imam Ali (a.s.). This famous du'a known as Du'a Kumail is one of the most important of those transmittals. Du'a Kumail was in response to Kumail's request of Moulana Ali Ibnay Moulana Abi Talib (a.s.) for a prayer that would be the most useful for seeking assurance of Allah's mercy.
The instructions delivered with this du'a emphasize that it should be recited as frequently as possible, but at least once in a lifetime. Faithful Muslims enjoy a weekly recitation of this du'a, usually on the evening of al-Khamis (Thursday) after Isha' prayer.
Almighty Allah, the Gracious never treats a du'a indifferently which comes from one's heart. Thus when you offer your du'a, do it with undivided attention to Allah, and have an implicit faith that your wishes will be granted by Him.
One of the blessings of Du'a Kumail is that by offering it, one's personal needs are satisfied, prospects of livelihood are brightened, protection from one's enemy's evil intention is ensured and sins are pardoned. Thus, Muslims should offer this supplication regularly.
Imam Ali (a.s.) Foundation has taken upon itself to republish this du'a hoping that it will act as guidance and comfort to all who contemplate its deep and beautiful concepts.


BismillAllah ir Rahman ir Raheem.

Fazaels Amirul Mu’meneen Moulana Ali ibne Abi Talib (SA).

Khudatala ahnay fazalo karam see Amerul Mumeneen Moulana Ali(SA) naay Noor-e-Qudsee malkuti seraj e muneer ata keda chay ,aah noor naay moulana ali(sa) ne sewaa koye uthawee sakaay nahe ,aah babaat maa ali na ashiq hafsaat bin al naumaan ek rewayaat bayan karey chay ,ek andhari raat maa hafsaat yey siraj e muneer ne roushni na deedar naseeb thaya .Sifeen ma ek andhari raat maa hifsaat hajat wastaay ek nichee janib ma phunchu dekhu chun ,ek mard apna haat maa siraj layey naay chalee raha chay ,hafsaat taizee see aah siraj layey nay janaar taraf badhu anha see jintu qareeb thawo roushni kaam thatee jayey ,ahna nazdeek phunchu ,roushni gayab thaye gaye .hifsaat dekhu chun kaay aah toh mara moula ali(sa) chay ,aah dekhe naay ahnay ghana tajuub waqay thayu ,hifsaat moulana ali(sa) naay arz kede ,Aap aah siraj naay apna haat ma uthawo choh ? kaim koye qadeem naay amaar nathe karta ? Moulana Ali(SA) farmawe chay ,ayh hifsaat tamnaay joh anwaar na dedaar naseeb thaya howee ,toh yaad rakhjo kaay aah Siraj chay ,jaynaay mara asar maa mara sewaa koye uthawe nahe sakaay ,ahno aah karamaat chay .

*Aah woh Noor chay jay na see asman naay rafeey karwa ma ayaa.

*Aah noor see Adam nee tauba qubul thaye .

*Aah noor see Nooh noo safina chala.

*Aah noor see Ibrahim aag see mehfoos rahya.

*Aah noor see Musa naay wahedaat ma aman baqshe.

*Aah noor see Esa naay sayahaat(travelling) ma ahna monees (sathe) rahya.

* Aah noor see Mohammad un Mustafa (SAS) pota nee umaat ma natiq thaya.

*Aah noor see mumeen ahnasee jahel nahee rahay anay kafeer anhe mareyfaath nahe karey.

Pache Moulana Ali(SA) hifsaat naay karam farmave naay apna anwar-e-haqheqhat nee mareyfath karwayey anay farmayu ,aah Noor maroo Elam chay yey Mohammad (SAS) na upaar nazil thayu chay ,tamay yey jay dekhu bushra tamara wastay ,jay ahnay dekhsaay ,yey makan ma ahna sathe rehsaay ,mara baad aah noor tamay jay na sathe dekhoo ahna maroo salaam phonchowojoo pache ,aah shaqelaat see hifsaat yey makaa tul mukaramaa maa anwaar Emam Ali Zainul Abideen(SA) sathe dekhu ,aah satar na daur maa aah Noor na Siraj 52 wa Dai Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (TUS) na peyshani ma chamkaay chaay ,Aah mumeneen ne khush nasibi chay kay apnay Moula(TUS) noo deedar naseeb thaye chay ,AllhamdolilAllah.
